
Your gift makes an unforgettable difference.

Funds for The Unforgettables Fund are held by the SickKids Foundation.

Donate Online:

Click here to make a secure online donation with your credit card.

The Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals (OACFP), a not for profit provincial association founded in 1913, is a volunteer-based membership driven association, focused on providing value through education, professional development and innovation. The OACFP has supported this charity with proceeds raised from the annual charity golf day since it’s inception. More recently, the OACFP has adopted The Unforgettables Fund as it’s charity of choice and is increasing fundraising efforts to further support this much-needed cause.

Mail Your Cheque:
Mail your cheque made payable to "The Unforgettables Fund” to:

SickKids Foundation

525 University Avenue, Suite 835

Toronto, ON M5G 2L3

ATTN: Ariana Ayoub

Thank you for your donation!